Plants are another beautiful and sacred tool when it comes to folk magick in my practise.
And fortunately spring is not so far away anymore and the season of collecting herbs or growing herbs by myself begins.
Unfortunately I don´t own a garden by myself at the moment, only a balcony where I can grow some herbs and plants.
but the nature around my town is rich for gathering herbs and plants from the wild natural growth locations.
For a Folk Magick practitioner it´s important to use the plants and herbs that are local growing and honouring the spirits within the plants.
In Folk Magick everything has a spirit.
Honouring those spirits and building relationships with them is the concern of folk magic practitioners like myself.
We honour “the spirits of the land” from our local area and get into a relationship with our surroundings.
As the the relationship is once developed, the spirits will choose to help in the practical work of folk magick.
This special way of relationship and working also extends not only to the local land as well the plants that inhabit it.
You literally seek the aid of the plant “spirit” by showing it respect when it comes to harvest.
Some necessities for you before you will go out in nature to harvest:
- Make sure you have permission to pick plants or herbs in your area.
- When you harvest be sure only to take what you can use in the near future;
- Know the plants that you harvest, take a plant guide with you to identify plants
- In many folk magick traditions it is customary to ask the plant before picking
- Offer a blessing or a little thank you to show your gratitude

Herbs and plants in generell have been used for thousands of years in medicinally and ritually ways.
Every plant has its own unique characteristics, an own "soul" and that´s what makes them so special.
But not only the medical part is valuable, they are also used as a part of my regular ritual practice.
Whether it's for healing, protection, prosperity, love or kitchen magic, there is almost always an herb, plant or fruit
associated with the special purposes.

Are you using plants and herbs for your practise?
How are you working with Plants and Herbs?
Until we speak again
Love xxx, Bjarkan
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