A frequently ask question is "Why do you work with skulls, bones, crow feet, magpie wings, feathers and other animal parts?
Is it not eery and spooky?"
No, not at all, animal bones are used in witchcraft and folk magic since the beginning of magic in the Neolithic age.
Folk Magic holds a lot of different practises, for example meeting and working with familiar spirits and even shapeshifting to travel in a shamanistic way between the worlds.
And also to commune and work with animal spirits as familiar, guides, and protectors.
I own a few ritual necklaces including animal bones for example a fox bone charm for cunning practise. To wear animal parts in ritual jewelry is the most practical and direct way of bringing your animal familiars into rituals and spellwork.
By wearing animal bones you can take on the attributes and powers of the animal they belong to and also to
confer an animal’s magical abilities.
On the picture you will notice some runes as well, those set is made out of bones from an aurochs and is a perfectly divination tool for me beside my wooden rune sets. The energy of bones is completely different.
It's part of the natural cycle of things that animals die. Sometimes after they've died, you may find parts of skulls or carcasses lying around in nature. Skulls, bones, fur, feathers and other parts can be gathered from an animal that has died on its own and you can use it for your magical purposes. But make sure that the parts are gathered humanely and ethically. Often you will also find natural dropped parts like feathers or the antlers of a deer in the woods. There is nothing wrong with picking them up and using them.
Before you use the parts of an animal it´s generally a good idea to offer some sort of thanks to the animal before using them in ritual.
Are you using animal parts in your magical work?
I would love to read your experiences.
Until we meet again!
Love xxx, Bjarkan
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