Folkore Of The Birch

Published on 22 February 2021 at 14:16


Magic assignments of the birch

Latin name: Betulaceae

Gender: Female

Planet: Venus

Element: Water

Rune: Berkana

Connected to : protection, purification, love, new beginnings


One of my favorite trees since my childhood is the birch, also called Called the “White Lady of the Woods.” 

Do you know that there are over 100 species of birch in total ? And all birches can be used in magic.

Most often the birch is recognized by the typical white bark and the locally occurring birch species is used accordingly.

The leaves, blossoms, wood and bark from the birch can be used for smudging and the smoke from the bark is particularly pleasant.

The smoke smells slightly sweet, very delicately spicy and never intrusive.

It is said that it takes all old pain and worries of the soul away with it.

Feelings of guilt and melancholy are also blown away together with the gently cleansing birch smoke.

German folklore describes as well that the birch tree is under the protection of god Thor.

Therefore, the place where a birch stands is also protected and a particularly magical place.

The birch was also once considered as an oracle tree.

Three birch twigs picked by young women“before St. John's Day” were first peeled

(one not at all, one half, one whole)and then hidden under the pillow.

The next morning, the young women pulled out a birch branch and found out whether they were “getting a rich or poor man”.


Ritual Use

Birch branches are used to get rid of negative energies by gently stroking the branches over a person or animal.

Accordingly, a (witch) broom made from birch twigs is used to liberate rooms from such energies.

Protection and love amulets are often made from birch wood or birch bark.


Birch Magic



To get rid of curses you can wrap a white cotton ribbon around a small birch branch into which you have previously scratched twelve crosses. Then you throw this wood into flowing  water, so that it is carried away and takes the negative energies with it. This should be done during the waning moon.


If you want to attract love, you use the precious birch parchment to support your wish fulfillment.

The parchment is obtained by carefully pulling the paper-thin layers of bark that have already been loosened from the tree.
One should not injure the tree (or choose a fallen tree) and leave an offering for the "White Lady of the Woods", as the birch is also called. Then you can expect very magical results if you paint a heart on this birch parchment (with red ink or your own blood), carefully roll up the parchment, wrap it completely with a red cotton ribbon and then carry this talisman close to your heart.

Alternatively, you can draw a circle around your own initials and wrap the parchment with white ribbon for a protective amulet.

These birch parchment rituals are performed when the moon is waxing, because they are supposed to attract a positive change.

New beginnings

Unfamiliar and complex hurdles to get past to may surface when a witch enters a new phase in her life. Brush out the old year on the morning after Winter Solstice using a Birch Broom to welcome new beginnings. To bring an abundance of positive energy to new ventures, call upon the powers of Birch spirits by incorporating the herb in your rituals and meditation practice for an auspicious start to new life chapters.


Whenever you need purifying in the emotional and physical aspects, Birch Bark can be used as a cleansing tea as well.

Psychic protection

With daily commutes to work and the occurrence of natural conflicts, it is inevitable for a witch to catch negative energies along the way. Tie a red ribbon around the stem of a Birch or put dried leaves under your pillow, and add a cut bark toprotection drinks if you are under psychic attacks.  


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