Symbolism Of Sacred Plants - Daisy

Published on 10 April 2020 at 13:11

In the Norse mythology the Daisy (Bellis perennis ) is one of Freya’s sacred flowers.

Freya is the goddess of love, beauty and fertility,

The plant is strongly connected to her and maybe as you know the old folkish game to pick petal by petal of a Daisy with the words

"She/ He loves me, she/he loves me not, She/he loves me..." that symbolizes a little love spell.

  The Daisy also symbolizes motherhood and new beginnings and was helpful during the childbirth.

Daisies are sometimes given to congratulate new mothers back in the old days until nowadays.

The name "Daisy" comes from “Day’s Eye”. 

Daisies closes up at night and opens up during the day, like a long-lashed eye.

To connect to the goddess Freya you can weave a Daisy chain or wreath and place it on your altar to honor her.


Decorating the house with Daisies for example at Midsummer’s Eve  brings happiness to your home and for is helpful

to obtain the blessings of faeries.

Daisies were and still are also worn at Midsummer for luck and blessings.

In the ancient times, young maidens were weaving and wearing Daisy chains in their hair to attract a beloved one.

Magickal Properties of Daisy

You can use Daisies for the following purposes like in a spell or charmbag:

  • Love
  • Fertility
  • Birth
  • Abundance
  • Joy
  • Happiness
  • Purity
  • Transformation

Culinary Uses for Daisies

The unopened buds can be marinated or pickled and used on salads, similar to capers.

The young leaves of Daisies can be eaten raw or cooked and the petals can be used raw in salads

or as a garnish sprinkled on top of a soup or other dish.

Daisies are rich in vitamin C. 

Traditional and current uses as Herbal Medicine


  • Bruises
  • Sprains
  • Wounds
  • Sun damge to skin
  • Cuts and grazes
  • Boils
  • Skin disorders


  • Bronchitis
  • Bronchial catarrh
  • Gastro-enteritis


The easiest way to use Daisy i to brew a tea or to prepare a tincture.

Daisy is helpful against colds and cough.

It also helps by weakness of the digestive system.

Recipe "Daisy Tea"

Pour one cup of boiling water over one or two spoonful of Daisy.

Wait for five up to ten minutes, than filter the tea and drink it slowly.

You can drink one up to three cups of Daisy tea each day.


Recipe "Daisy Tincture"


To prepare a Daisy tincture, fill some Daisies in a jar.

Pour some grain alcohol over, just enough to cover the herbs.

Close the jar and let it stand at a warm place for two up to six weeks.

Filter the tincture and pour it into a dark bottle.

Use 10 up to 50 drops of the tincture up to three times daily.

You can use the tincture pure or diluted with water.

Please inform yourself well before using plants.
In case of serious or unclear complaints, please consult your doctor or pharmacist!






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