In German folklore, the birch is the spring tree par excellence and accociated to Imbolc but also to Walpurgis/Beltane where the tree is used as Maypole; it heralds new life and symbolises fertility. The delicate appearance of a young birch tree with its shiny white trunk and the tender green of its leaves suggests the image of a young, freshly blossoming girl.
Planet: Venus
Element: Water
Powers: Protection, purification , love
Birch in magic
Birches are a genus of plants in the birch family (Betulaceae). There are over 100 species of birch in total, and all birches can be used in magic.
Birch trees are most often recognised by their typical white bark and the locally occurring birch species is used accordingly.
Leaves, blossoms, wood and bark of the birch can be used for incense. However, the smoke from the bark is particularly pleasant. Slightly sweet, very delicately spicy and never intrusive, birch smoke is said to take away all old hurts, slights and groundless worries. Feelings of guilt and melancholy also fade away together with the gently cleansing birch smoke.
Folk belief saisd that the tree is under the protection of the god Thor. Therefore, the place where a birch tree stands is also protected and a particularly magical place.
According to German Folkmagic, the birch was once also considered an oracle tree. Three birch twigs picked "before St. John's Day" were first peeled (one not at all, one half, one whole) and then hidden under the pillow. The next morning, the girls would pull out a birch branch to find out whether they were "getting a rich man, a moderately wealthy man or a poor man".
Ritual use:
Birch twigs are used to expel negative energies by gently stroking the person or animal with the twigs. Similarly, a (witch's) broom made from birch twigs is used to clear rooms of such energies. Protective and love amulets are often made of birch wood or bark.
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