As soon as the frost is gone, coltsfoot can be found along the roadsides. With its brilliant yellow flowers, it attracts the first bees, bumblebees and butterflies and gladdens our hearts with joy after the long dark days of winter.
Coltsfoot is called a pioneer plant because it conquers the soil for its successors and compacts it. It is the first to colonise fallow land, construction sites and roadsides.
In German folklore, the early plant was called a weather plant because it loves the sun and lowers its head and closes its flowers in bad weather. In medical science it has a special significance as a cough remedy.
It is still used today as a cough tea. The coltsfoot leaves used to be a symbol of the apothecary's profession and hung above every pharmacy.
In incense rituals, coltsfoot is used for love, protection and security spells.
For harm spells one should
put finely chopped coltsfoot leaves in the bath water to cause freckles.
If you want to bewitch cows
you have to dig up coltsfoot roots at night and then put them on the
and bury them at the stable door the next morning. Every cow that
touches the spot will then give blood instead of milk.
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